Mack, Brenda
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4050
Magera, Andrew
Assistant Men's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Mahonen, Andrew
Music Adjunct
Mannausau, Alexandra
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Manz, Eric
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Maple, Marci
- Phone218-755-4240
Marek, Keith
Professor, Chem Department Chair
- Phone218-755-2788
Markgraf, Tim
Adjunct, Social Work
Masek, Jacob
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Massaglia, David
Associate Professor
McCarthy, Casey
Director of Public Safety
- Phone218-755-3888
McCoy, Alec
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
McDonnell, Peter
Systems and Circulation Librarian
- Phone218-755-2967
McDougall, Emma
Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Phone218-755-2259
McManus, Brendan
Associate Professor
Melin, Carly
Political Science Adjunct
Menefee, Carissa
Communications Specialist
Meulebroeck, Eric
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Meyer, Alexa
Visiting Scholar
Meyer, Emily
Non Employee
Michael, Nancy
Emeritus Faculty
Michael, Nicky
Indigensous Studies Adjunct
- Phone218-755-3979
Michel, Madison
Miles, Tia
CRM Analyst
Miller, Ekren
Men's Golf Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Miller, Lauren
Student Worker
Miller, Mary
Human Resources Generalist
- Phone218-755-2084
Miller, Nikki
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Milton-Baumgardner, Cade
Football Adjunct Coach
Molitor, Christan
Stationary Engineer
Montgomery, Kayla
Athletics Trainer
Moore, Tina
OASI Administrative Specialist
- Phone218-755-2997
Morgan, Michael
Non Employee
Morrissey, Mark
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Murphy, Brian
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Murray, Michael
- Phone218-755-2910